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30 Genuine Websites that Will Pay You to Write, Instantly You will be paid $25 for any short article accepted, $350 for a 1,000 words bulletin, and up to $900 for a 5,000 words bulletin accepted. #17. Dollar Stretcher. Niche: Variety of Topics. Payment Method: Check. By writing for The Dollar Stretcher you will be paid $0.10 per word for any article accepted. 51 Legit Ways to Get Paid to Write Reviews (Even Amazon ... But wouldn’t it be great if you could actually get paid for writing reviews? Well, you can actually make money as a product reviewer! In fact, we have a post on how to get paid to write Amazon reviews. But today, we’re gonna talk about ways you can do the same for products and services from other companies. Websites that Pay You to Write 2018 Edition These 100+ Websites that Pay Writers only scratch the surface of the opportunities available to you as a freelancer. The more gigs you apply for, the more chances you have for freelance writing success. Happy writing! 88. B. Michelle Pippin. Get paid $50-$150 per piece related to business. You must be an expert on the subject, with first-hand ...
22 Websites That Will Pay You to Write for Them
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Basically, technical writing all day every day isn't the facepalm-migraine it sounds like, and that's why I recommend it to anyone who wants to write for a living. My suggestion is to dip your toes in. Search for jobs that are a little bit out of your comfort zone. Google technical writing jobs or sales writing jobs.
Getting Paid to Write Essays and Term Papers